Gisteren werden wij geïnterviewd tijdens het radioprogramma Lunchen met Lars van RTV Slogo over onze laatste single To The Top. Uiteraard werd het nummer ook gedraaid en het is zelfs opgenomen in de lokale playlist! Je kunt het interview hier terugluisteren.
25 April 2021 18:55Eindelijk is het zover, onze nieuwe single To the Top is nu te beluisteren via je favoriete streamingsdienst. Een preview kun je hier vinden!
30 January 2021 20:58Alweer onze derde nieuwe single op rij! Broken Man is nu te beluisteren!
12 February 2020 19:34Wij luiden het nieuwe jaar in met onze gloednieuwe single: No Escape! Ook deze single is overal te beluisteren, luister direct!
31 December 2019 16:21Het moment is daar, onze nieuwe single Destiny is nu te beluisteren! Onder music is een preview te vinden en daar word je direct doorgelinkt naar je favoriete streamingsdienst. We hopen dat je er net zo blij van wordt als wij!
2 December 2019 19:18Al even geen nieuwsbericht meer geplaatst op de website, maar dat betekent niet dat we nergens mee bezig zijn! Naast een aantal nieuwe nummers en geplande optredens, zijn we nu ook te vinden op Instagram! Dus volg allemaal 'refillnl' om up to date te blijven!
5 May 2019 18:07We are very proud that we can announce or first 3 confirmed gigs for 2018! We will play some brand new songs. Are you curious already? Then come over to one of these gigs! Keep following our website and Facebook page to never miss a thing!
10 December 2017 13:02On the 12th of May Refill performed at Live and Lazaru's in Leiden. Thanks to the amazing crowd, we won the public award in the preliminary round of this band battle! For that reason, we will be back in Leiden on the 9th of June to perform at the final. We hope to see you on the 9th of June as well!
21 May 2017 15:11This year, Refill will perform once again on Flakkeese Dagen! On the 22nd of April at 23:00 we will give a show for 40 minutes with Richard and Borger on the lead vocals. You don't want to miss this!
22 February 2017 19:24We proudly announce our first confirmed gigs for 2017! On the 12th of May we will be part of the Live & Lazaru's competition once again. For charity, Refill will play at Roparock on the 20th of May.
Hopefully we will see you at one of these gigs!
16 November 2016 23:16On sunday the 14th of august, Refill played an awesome set at Vrijstaat Festival in Noordwijk aan Zee. Filled with songs from debut album 'Let's Break Some Hearts', covers of classic rock songs and even some new songs from the forthcoming album, Refill rocked the crowd in the hot summer sun. A big thank you to everyone who came out to see us, you were truly amazing!
Go to our page 'Photos and Videos' to see some awesome pics of the show!
17 August 2016 11:21BREAKING NEWS!!! Refill will perform on the very first edition of Vrijstaat Festival at the beach in Nederzandt. And not just for a few minutes, but you'll get to enjoy us for a full 2,5 hours. Be there if you want to rock your socks off!!!
22 July 2016 23:04Currently we are working on a whole load of new songs! From the moment we finished our last album, the creative process couldn't be halted. Refill will hit the studio this summer to record a follow-up to debut album 'Let's Break Some Hearts' . With over 20 new songs and ideas, we have a lot to choose from!
Like our Facebook page and keep checking our website. Make sure you don't miss a thing!
15 June 2016 20:17We'd firstly like to welcome you to our brand new website. Massive thanks to Wittig for creating our website and thank YOU for visiting it! We are very proud of the results. Take a look around. Have a read, watch or listen to our music. We hope you like it!
1 June 2016 15:18In October last year, we released our EP "Live at O'Sheas" . This live EP was recorded during one of our gigs in O'Sheas Irish Bar in Rotterdam. You can download the live EP for FREE here. Of course "Live at O'Sheas" can also be downloaded or listened to on Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud and CDBaby. Check out the Music section on our site for more info. We hope you enjoy the live Refill experience!
1 June 2016 15:17After the release of our debut album "Let's Break Some Hearts", we've been featured on several radio stations and received positive print reviews. Check out our latest reviews in for example Powerplay magazine and Fireworks magazine.
1 June 2016 15:16Our debut album "Let's Break Some Hearts", which is released in September 2014, is still available! If you would like a copy of the CD, complete with a 16-page inlay containing unique artwork by the artist Cavum, please contact us. The album is also available online from Spotify, iTunes, Soudcloud and CDBaby. Check out the Music section for links. Not only that, you can of course listen to these songs and more via our own website!
1 June 2016 15:16